Dr. Kevin Kirkland's evaluations and conversations with COS and GEM operatives and their colleagues.

Friday, November 23, 2007

From When He First Returned

"Agent Diamond, can you tell me a bit about..."

I have nothing to tell you about the past two years, Dr. Kirkland.

"Aren't you curious about the changes here then?"

Of course. And you want to know about mine for your files. Not gonna happen.

"I can see the changes, Agent Diamond. What I want to know is...how are you, Alex? It's been two years."

Not quite. Twenty months, two weeks....

(abrupt silence)

"Since Emma's--"

We're not talking about the last two years. Change the subject, Kirkland.

"T. said..."

T. (He stood up abruptly, the legs of his chair scraping the tile floor.) I want to talk to Tasha, or whatever her name is. She had no right to do what she did.

"She was following orders, Alex. You know that."

No, I don't know that. But I know one thing. The witch's going to regret picking up this contract.

"GEM is now merged with COS Command, Alex. You can't--"

Part of GEM is, not all of it, from my research, Kirkland. And of course I can. And I will. She got me back. I'm now returning to work with the new and improved VIRUS team, and she thinks she can just resume her duties when I'm back? No. She's going to discover what it feels like to have me coming down on her hard everyday.

(I watched Alex Diamond stalked off. An angry, angry man. I wasn't worried about T. She did what she said she'd do--bring Number One back. I'd like to interview her, though. I wonder what she'd think about Agent Diamond's threats. Interesting turn of phrase, that last line.)


nightshield2003 said...

Angry man indeed. So he went nutso when he found out about T. Probably why she snuck a transfer on him. So why do you think he changed his mind, Doc?

Anonymous said...

I think T won't be too happy to know he called her a witch. When is she getting interviewed? She'll probably use NOPAIN all the way and not answer any questions.

Anonymous said...

I agree with nightshield20003. A transfer is in order (At the very least until the dust settles)-Tara

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, a man says things he regret when he's angry, bitter, confused, or all three.

Lady Zannah,
GEM operatives and their reputation with NOPAIN have earned them an underground name among those in the know. I think Amber referred to that in a certain declassified file.

It's very difficult to interview GEM operatives. They are quite resistant, in fact.

This incident was a while back, when Alex Diamond returned to the fold. The transfer has been negated since.

Unknown said...

Rick Harden also thought the same in calling GEM 'witches'.
